We provide the following services:
Preparation for a new role or career
If you feel your career has stalled, or you would like a change of direction, we can:
- Assess your interests, aptitudes and skills
- Address your development needs with coaching
- Develop a personal marketing plan to enable you to find a new role in the same or a new industry
- Work with you to design attractive marketing materials
- Connect you with influential people in our extensive network who may refer you to potential employers
- Assist you in preparing for self-employment, including advice in setting up a company and developing a strategic plan
- Work with you to develop a portfolio career
- Help you to find a role as a non-executive director
- Prepare you for interviews and presentations
- Facilitate your critical evaluation of job opportunities, so you make the right decision
If you have been outplaced, in addition to all of the above, we help you to:
- Manage the shock of outplacement, and build your confidence so you can bounce back
- Put the situation in proper perspective, converting what appears to be a setback into an opportunity for personal growth
- Analyse what happened and why so you learn from the event
- Support you in coping with any personal challenges that arise
Once you have found an opportunity, we provide the support you need to:
- Establish yourself in your new organisation
- Quickly build a network of productive relationships to support your progress
- Take control of your new executive team
- Develop a strategy for your future within the organisation
- Solve complex problems as you evolve in your role drawing on the expertise of our partner company, Milward International, consultants in strategic change
Continuing support
Sometimes discussing career matters with your boss or colleagues can be difficult. We can assist you by providing you with objective, confidential support.
Specifically, we work with you to:
- Assess your suitability for various positions inside the organisation
- Review your career and plan the next phase
- Prepare you to apply for promotion or a different role
- Manage your relationship with your boss and other colleagues